Saving Schindler’s Ark
The overall goal is to save Schindler’s Ark to form a Museum of Survivors in the heart of Europe. Schindler’s Ark was a concentration camp where 1200 Jews on Schindler’s List were saved, as shown in the film by Stephen Spielberg. Schindler’s Ark was stolen by the Nazis from the Low-Beer family in 1938. The Low-Beer family consolidated the ruined factory in 2019 and in partnership with the local community formed the Arks Foundation. They co-designed the project for a museum and the testimony activities led by local guides.
This project leverages the infrastructure plans for a new museum building, to equip it as a museum of survivors. It implements testimony, iWALK and permanent digital place-based and virtual learning in the unique place where the events occurred. The digital media and testimony activities are used, training local guides, to reach the expected 10-20,000 visitors per year for the Schindler’s Ark Museum.
The site
The set of buildings is a fragment of the extensive complex of the former Löw-Beers textile factory which has the most direct historical connection with the branch of the Gross.Rosen concentration camp, which was located in the northern part of the complex in the 1940s. The main material evidence of the former concentration camp and the core of the value of the site are the three surviving buildings: building no. 23 (laboratories), building no. 5 (a former spinning mill and chemical warehouse), house no. 29 (warehouse, office) and the entrance gate. The buildings surround the camp assembly area on three sides.
As an introduction to the site, you can visit the site and listen to the testimonies at the gate, the river, the square, the workshop, with the iWalk activity. To access the activity, download the app from the Shoah Foundation from your phone’s appstore (iWalk, Shoah Foundation). Go to the Czech Republic and choose Schindler’s Ark. You can download an English or Czech language version for offline access.
The Museum of Survivors is co-designed with school students from 5 countries to open in 2025 with your support. Young architects from 110 countries contribute to the design under the Inspireli award founded by Vaclav Havel.
This project leverages the infrastructure plans for a new museum building, to equip it as a museum of survivors. It implements testimony, iWALK and permanent digital place-based and virtual learning in the unique place where the events occurred. The digital media and testimony activities are used, training local guides, to reach the expected 10-20,000 visitors per year for the Schindler’s Ark Museum.
The activities are adapted to the school curricula in the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Germany, to reach the 3 million upper secondary school children (aged 14-18) in these five countries. In addition, the universality and recognition of the story will be adapted and translated to be available to the 22 million upper secondary school children in European countries, virtually or in place.
The objectives of the project are the following:
1. New hybrid digital and place-based media facilities equipped for the museum - A. 6 permanent testimony activities and interactive testimony developed, implemented and installed to reach 10-20,000 visitors p.a.
B. Exhibition "Starting from Zero" developed to travel to 3 European countries combining place-based, digital and school outreach learning.
2. Lifelong learning and new testimony and activities developed - A. Co-design of the museum and development and implementation of six testimony activities with 5 European countries with measurable learning objectives, e.g. for gender, critical media skills, standing up to discrimination. B. Co-design of two iWALK activities, one local, one European, new testimony materials on second generation in open, access digital archive. C. Policy and teacher seminars to create European curriculum module, and training of local guides.
Schindler’s Ark represents a universal story of how an individual can stand up to discrimination. It is a museum of survivors. Learn about the history of this unique place in the very centre of Europe.
Starting from Zero
Help us to start a museum and put the whole area to life again. Find more on how you can help.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.